On 25th February we arrived in Bratislava with the suitcase full of enthusiasm and space to fill with new experiences. We started our trip with the help of our importer in Slovakia, Martin Czafik from Bsp, who after showing us the city and telling us some anecdotes about his life, brought us his enthusiasm for working with us. Bsp is an importer born out of passion, from the desire to work with wines and cavas from Spain, working only with Mont Marçal and proposing products such as Mont Marçal Reserva, Gran Cuvé and Aureum in the Slovak market. In a few days, next 17th of March, we will meet again at Prowein, one of the most important fairs of the sector that will take place in Duesseldorf.

Bsp showed its satisfaction in matters of management, organization and logistics with Mont Marçal, praising the close communication between both companies. Feedback has been very positive despite the fact that it is difficult to introduce cava in the Slovak market, since most restaurants are Austrian and Italian, with Schaumwein and Prosecco as protagonists.

From Slovakia, we head to Blatnička, a town of 300 inhabitants in the Czech Republic. There we met with our importer Vino Hruška. Michael Morrison, the import manager, showed us the farm and the vineyards and we had the option of tasting the Vino Hruška’s products. Her director of Marketing, who remarked the usefulness of our website, asked us for more exclusive information about the winery and the family Hruška invited us to eat with them.

The proximity is the characteristic that distinguishes the company, every half day the president, the technicians of warehouse, the administrative and the workers eat together and exchange opinions about the daily work.

Its expansion process is evident and we are very confident in its good work.

This has been a very important trip especially to meet our importers personally. These relations with them are what we want to promote in Mont Marçal since the success of our export work depends largely on this, as well as being able to demonstrate the quality of our products.


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